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Book Update and Writing Inspiration Part 1


Hi everyone.

As promised I’m sending out my book update for the week with an extra little piece added below that I’ve written for any aspiring writers out there.

This week has been good for me in the terms of productive writing. I originally planned a slow comeback after spending the past few weeks neglecting my writing.

Sadly I bottled out of my planned plot change. I was worried that after so many weeks of not really writing much that this would be too big of a step for me to complete correctly. My thinking was that if I ease myself in slowly with my writing at first, then hopefully everything will come together next week a lot more easily regarding the planned plot change. Fingers crossed.

Starting out the week I decided to deviate from my storyboard planner and write out of sync, something which I’ve never done before. I selected sections of my story that I felt comfortable with regardless of where they were located within the story and set myself away making some good progress.

I’m pleased to announce (and also quite chuffed) that I easily surpassed my daily word target of one thousand words and finished the week. Tomorrow night is editing and planing for next week.

By my own admission these words are well written and structured. This for me was a rewarding outcome.

In between my writing I have been researching for future chapters of my story. Frightingly this has found me looking at some very obscure topics such as wounds sustained by samurai swords (I hope that has got you all intrigued and pricked your curiosity).

For the last section of my book update I want to share with you an experience that happened to me this week. The sensible part of my brain is telling me to shut up and remain quiet but I believe it delivers a strong message.

Where I park my car is a ten minute walk to my apartment. Earlier this week I had just locked the car when I sensed I was going to need the toilet rather urgently. To prevent this from being an uncomfortable if not embarrassing walk home I started thinking about an unwritten chapter in my book. I just selected a chapter randomly and let it play out in my mind. Before I knew it I was back home. I raced through to the toilet stopping only to pick up my notepad. When I exited the toilet ten minutes later I had written down over 500 words and had clearly planned out the remaining part of the chapter.

Is this sad? – Definitely! Humorous? – Maybe a little!

This just shows that you never know when inspiration will strike and you should always make the effort to embrace it and not let it slip by.

Writing Inspiration Part 1

Before I start I’d like share with you a very good inspirational quote for aspiring writers.

I have stated on my website that I believe every person has a story to tell.

I’m sure that if you were to spend a quiet moment reflecting on your lives or even just your day there will be things you’ve witnessed or done, stories you’ve been told, people you’ve met and experiences that you’ve shared, that something will jump out at you making you think ‘hey that was cool / good / interesting / different etc.’.

Great. When they do…WRITE THEM DOWN!

There is nothing more rewarding than reading your own words. Don’t panic at the thought writing for the first time. By writing, I don’t mean setting off with a full blown novel or Biography. Write in a style that suits you right now. Whether it is simple notes or bullet points, key or memorable words, single page essays or a short story, find the style that suits and just stick with it for the time being until you feel more confident to progress.

Also don’t worry about minor things like poor spelling and grammar. These can all be addressed easily at a later stage. As you develop as writer / story teller things like your writing style and prose will all improve through time. Right now the main thing is for you just to get your words out there and for you take notice and appreciate how good you actually are and how rewarding it feels to see your own words written for the very first time. Try it I am sure you will be shocked by the results.

Hey! Just an idea. Why don’t you try this?

Think about today. Find one thing that made you laugh, smile, cry or angry and write it down from your own point of view. This is an easy exercise to start with. Don’t look to write word upon word. Keep it simple and write until you think that you have covered everything you need to in order to portray your story correctly.

If after reading this Blog anyone is encouraged to write and participate in my little writing exercise I suggested please share your thoughts and views with me on the comments section of my webpage. I’d love to hear how you got on.

If this blog can inspire just one person to pick up a pen and paper or open up their laptop and type away then it will have been worth it.

Finely I’d like to share the first Pinterest Pin that got me motivated to start out into my journey. Try it. I’m confident that in no time at all you will have progressed from point one and will be pushing yourself further up to point eight.

Thanks for reading this.

Enjoy your weekend and see you next time.

Craig x

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